Wednesday, January 23, 2008

On considering rum

Jan 22: When I think of rum I think of something dark because rum is made from molasses. Bacardi offers; dark rum "Bacardi Select-Smooth and Rich, medium rum "Bacardi Gold-smooth and mellow, light rum "Bacardi Superior-smooth and dry. I bought all three and prefer Superior, Gold, Select in that order. I think Bacardi predicted this. All of them make good Rum and Cokes. You can choose how flavorful your drink is by selecting the varieties more flavor in the dark less flavor in the light every option comes with the alcohol.

Rum has many cocktail recipes and a pleasing taste, it is a good choice when staring this hobby. So I bought John J Poister's book "The New American Bartender's Guide", it has 2,300 recipes and is cheap. If I had one cocktail from this book everyday it would take six years and three and a half months to have them all. I'm sure my liver would be shot by then.

Upon scanning the rum recipes I see that they can be complex and I see that the gin recipes are less complex. Gin is the first chapter in the book. Vodka is the next chapter but I read that it "has no discernible taste, color or odor, sounds boring regardless if it the best selling spirit. I want something with flavor so I choose Gin.

Sort of disappointed that I bought the Seagram's 7 due to it's lack of mixology.

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